10 Benefits Of Social Media For Business

Social media platforms are probably the most fertile ground for business advertising. Just think of it – this year has almost 5 billion active social media users. Solid numbers, right? But if pure numbers just aren’t your thing, we got your back and made an article listing all the benefits of using social media for your business. So, keep on reading, and find the answers to all of your burning questions. 


Increase brand awareness

Back to the 4.7 billion social media users here. Of course, there’s no way to reach them all, but skipping social media platforms as a means to raise brand awareness entirely isn’t a great plan, either. 

Naturally, you’d want to choose the platforms where you can find your audiences and start from there. And if you have this notion that people only follow brands they know, here’s a nice fact – 83% of Instagram users say they discover new brands on the platform. 


Establish Your Brand As A Thought Leader In Its Field

Plenty of social media users go to brand pages hoping to find relevant or interesting information about the brand’s field. And it is a great opportunity for your brand to become the greatest in the field as a thought leader. 

Of course, LinkedIn is the go-to platform for this kind of content, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot post it on your Facebook page or Instagram account. The most important factor here is that the information or articles you post are relevant to your customers and speak true to your brand’s values. 


Stay Visible

Okay, since most social media users login to their accounts at least once a day (with plenty doing it several times daily), it means you can make your brand visible to them each day, too. Of course, this doesn’t mean spamming your feed with several daily posts, but if you have something interesting to share – do it! Keeping users’ attention isn’t easy, but quality content is bound to do just that. 


Increase Website Traffic 

Remember when we talked about how quality content is the main thing to grab the attention of your followers? Well, what if you shared your blog articles? That’s getting two birds with one stone because a) there’s quality content, and b) it creates additional traffic to your website. 

Also, do not forget to list your business’s domain name on every social media account, so people can reach it with one simple click. 

One more side to this is participating in social chats from your business account. This way, you’ll be even more visible and could gain a significant amount of new followers this way. 


Boost Sales

There’s no denying that social media accounts are a huge part of the sales funnel these days. Through it, a new contact becomes a new client. And with platforms integrating eCommerce into their apps and allowing people to shop right there and then, it is vital to maintain a social presence. So, being on social media literally equals better potential sales. 


Collaborate With Creators 

Since you aren’t new to our blog, you definitely know the importance and the benefits of pairing up with a social media influencer. They are, after all, the people who know their audiences the best! So be sure to match your brand values with the creator’s own, check audience compatibility, and just go for it. 

Quick reminder – social media influencer marketing is the fastest growing marketing channel. This, of course, means you should definitely try working with creators. And if you’re not sure how it is supposed to work, Agenic is right here at your service! 


Engage With Your Customers

Social media allows you to communicate directly to your audiences and for them – directly to you; social media is definitely a two-way street. So, if you want your audiences to stay engaged, do not forget to be engaged yourself – communicate with them in comments, reply to DMs, and so on. This is basically good client service, and it is on the rise these days. 


Provide Customer Service And Support

Naturally, we had to expand a bit further on the customer service part here. See, now it is easier than ever for clients to communicate with brands in a non-committing way and so very easily. Now, the hard task here is to reply to all your messages! For that, you might want to think about employing a chatbot or actual employees to manage the flow of incoming messages and mentions. But, don’t forget that each of them is equally important! 


Learn About Your Customers

All of the major social media platforms offer analytics that provides some very useful information about your customers. For example, say you’ve had a notion that your product or service is most used by families when in fact, it is childless single people. Don’t brush this info off – this is a great clue for your marketing strategy’s direction! 

So, use the analytics wisely, and it’ll definitely improve both brand awareness and coveted sales. 


Keep And Eye On Competition 

Chances are, your competition is also on social media. In fact, we can guarantee it. Visit their profiles, check what they are doing, and if they are succeeding. Of course, copying their content blindly isn’t advisable – people want to see original and authentic content – but using their good practices to your benefit isn’t a bad idea at all. 



As you can see, the key benefits of using social media for business are brand building, communicating with customers, gaining insights, advertising, and a channel for business growth. Definitely not something to miss! And if you’d like to truly conquer social media, why not start your own influencer marketing campaign; with Agenic, it is as easy as it could be.


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