
TikTok And Instagram Social Listening For Influencer Marketing – Why And How To Use It

By now, you probably have an idea that social listening might do very well combined with influencer marketing. And you are absolutely right! So, in this article, we examine the significance of influencer marketing and how sentiment analysis may be used to create a successful influencer marketing program on TikTok and Instagram, only the two of the most popular social media platforms.

But first off, here’s a refresher on influencer marketing.


What Is Influencer Marketing

The use of influencers for brand promotion is known as “influencer marketing” is a well-known marketing strategy. Thousands (or in some cases even millions) of people follow these influencers on social media, on the platforms in which they are the most active. These people are literally able to influence their followers – be it by forming opinions or influencing purchase decisions – through highly relatable content that speaks to audiences. Because of this, it is highly likely that when a TikTok or Instagram influencer promotes you, more people will be interested in the product or service, trust your brand more, and select you over your rivals.

Because you do not need to hire an agency or pay for all of the production expenditures like the models, lighting specialists, videographers, photographers, makeup artists, etc., influencer marketing is also a cost-effective method of marketing and promotion. Most Instagram and TikTok influencers are just regular people who have discovered a method to be relevant on social media and have their own way of doing things (that’s also usually why they are liked by so many).

Here’s where social listening steps in – by adding this tool to your marketing toolkit, you’ll be able to determine the exact right influencers to collaborate with so that your target audience will find the message they are conveying relatable and, most importantly, authentic.


The Benefits Of Social Listening To Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can bring many juicy offers to the table, but the most important ones are as follow:

Cost-Effective Social Media Advertising

Where working with Agenic Influence could see you running your initial campaign for as low as $100, then working with an agency might cost you at least ten times that to reach a similarly strong digital advertising strategy than the one offered by influencers.


Better ROI With Higher Engagement

Instagram costs about $10 per thousand views, while brand engagement is just about.05%. Nevertheless, your costs are significantly reduced, and your engagement rate increases to 2% per influencer when you employ social listening for influencer marketing and identify the correct Influencers.



Target Audience

Around 70% of Instagram users are younger than 35. This demographic is ideal because they have the money and have a history of being receptive to trying new things and companies. Thus, TikTok and Instagram social listening for influencer marketing offer a great opportunity to reach out to this demographic, regardless of whether you are in the hospitality business, healthcare services, banking, e-commerce, or travel and tours.


Overcome Ad-Blockers

A World Stat Report states that 47% of the world’s more than 4 billion internet users use ad blockers. This figure is only rising. With influencer marketing, you can easily reach your target audience without worrying about losing money to ad blockers.


Increase Trust

When it comes to building brand trust, influencer marketing is indispensable, with people apt to be trusting influencer recommendations even more than those by their own family!


Unique Content

Social media sentiment analysis can give you an insight into which type of content is the most relatable to your audience. That way, you can get more creatively-enriched content from TikTok and Instagram social listening than you would with any type of traditional advertisement.


Increased Sales Conversions

Influencer marketing absolutely leads to better sales conversions since more than 90% of people trust the influencer they are following more than brand advertisements featuring traditional celebrities.


Build Customer Loyalty

By creating a fulfilling brand experience and giving your followers relatable content via influencers, they relate to; nurturing brand loyalty comes off much easier than it would by other traditional marketing means.


Brand Promotion Across Different Channels

Influencer-created content tends to be shared across social media channels by their followers, thus increasing brand awareness much further (and way cheaper!) than traditional marketing ever could.


How To Use TikTok And Instagram Social Listening For Influencer Marketing

By selecting the appropriate Influencers for the task depending on your goals and budget, you can utilize social listening for influence marketing on TikTok and Instagram. You can then monitor their effectiveness by looking at the sentiment trends for your company. This is best explained by the points that follow.


Audience And Industry Research

It is crucial to understand your audience, their purchasing reasons, purchasing patterns, order histories, and other information. If necessary, you can employ automated machine learning activities for your study, such as sentiment analysis of survey responses or more focused strategies like sentiment analysis of Instagram posts.


Thoughtful Planning

As with any marketing effort, you must carefully design your approach and specify your objectives. Creating an effective influencer marketing plan is crucial. Your goals could be as straightforward as promoting your brand or as intricate as participating in a sophisticated product marketing plan.




Based on the information you learn from your social listening for influencer marketing, you will need to put aside a budget. Your influencer budget must be distinct from your entire social media marketing budget because influencers have varied charges depending on their reach and following.


Pick The Right Platform

Applications for sentiment analysis can provide you with incredibly specific information about your client for social media channels, including Twitter and others besides TikTok and Instagram. For example, this might assist you in determining whether Instagram or another social media platform is more likely to attract your target demographic rather than TikTok.


Influencer Choice

Whether you select a reliable influencer for your company or not will determine if your influencer marketing program is successful. As likes and followers are vanity metrics that may or may not be fraudulent, a sentiment analysis API can help you determine the general sentiment surrounding the Influencers you have carefully selected for your campaign.


Find The Perfect Match For Your Brand

Every industry is unique, and so are the expectations and habits of its clients. As crucial as it is to select reliable Influencers for your marketing initiatives, it’s equally critical that they match your sector and audience in terms of demographics.


Track Brand Performance

Once you have identified and selected the ideal Influencers for your program, you must evaluate consumer sentiment toward your brand using an AI-powered platform like Agenic Control to gauge their performance. Using its customer experience visualization dashboard, the platform provides extensive customer and brand insights in the form of word clouds, source-based sentiment analysis, overall sentiment trends, aspect trends, and more.


Takeaway Note

It can be intimidating to start a journey based on social listening for influencer marketing on two popular channels, TikTok and Instagram. But it’s crucial to understand that influencers are professionals just like everyone else in the marketing industry and can be trusted just as much as agencies. In order to maintain a rhythm for audience engagement, plan and schedule their posts, and make sure that brand requirements are followed, several well-known Influencers also work with virtual assistants.

Sentiment analysis can assist you in monitoring whether your Influencers are providing the return on your investment that you are hoping for. In addition, by accessing these emotion-mining indicators, you can change your social media strategy to increase engagement ratios.

Learn how social listening for influencer marketing can help you gain detailed information on consumer happiness, brand reputation, market sentiment trends, and more with Agenic Control.



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